Why publicly traded companies always fail.

Hey again! It’s been a bit

Today I’m writing about why publicly traded companies always fail. Or more accurately, why they always go to the ways of enshitification. To explain this, I first have to explain the general difference between a private company, and a publicly traded one in the first place.

A private company would be like your mom and pop pizza shop down the road, it’s privately owned by the people who run it, and any money or budgeting decisions, what level of profit/loss is acceptable, and what general motto the company wants to follow is determined solely by those who own the company. A private company doesn’t have to grow or get larger if it doesn’t want to. It can go at any pace it wants.

Publicly traded companies are owned not by the people who made the company, but by shareholders. This is how the stock market works. People buy shares of a company, therefor buying x/however many shares of a company there are of ownership. The shareholders decide how much profit is required, how fast the company has to grow, and what it does or what it’s direction is. The problem with this is shareholders expect 100% year over year growth, a company shrinking or not making more money means shareholders leave, devaluing the company and causing it to go bust. A publicly traded company not constantly growing is unacceptable in the eyes of someone holding shares of said company 99 times out of 100.

This is the problem, nothing can grow forever, there is no such thing.
“An economy based on endless growth is UNSUSTAINABLE”

Nothing can grow forever, eventually you hit saturation, so growing isn’t suitable anymore to constantly increase income margins. So the enshitification begins, they start charging more and more every year for services, they start trying to block ads and sell your data, They start harvesting your life, anything they can get there hands on to make just a little bit more money for the quarterly/yearly review by shareholders. This cycle continues until the company is physically incapable of gaining more money, it stagnates and then collapses in on itself.

Publicly traded companies are unsustainable, impossible to keep on a good course, and make life worse for everyone. So why do we accept this? We should be going back to smaller companies and groups run by private people and groups. Not some draconian board of shareholders silently demanding the world burn for them to make an extra few bucks.

None of this is to say private companies don’t also have there issues, they depend on those running them to be decent people. But even the worst privately owned companies are better than the best publicly traded ones.

Stop publicly traded companies, and bring back the era where the average person could start and run there own business. Stop letting the world burn for the sake of mild convenience sometimes.

Lets make the world a better place, one small business at a time.

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