The meanings behind a name

Hey all, I’m back again! this time talking about an experience I’ve had growing up and since starting to think on my own, which is what name do I want to use, which do I like, And what is the meaning they carry?

Names (at least in my opinion) carry a significant amount of weight, and even more so, give you an initial opinion on a person purely based on there name. For example, the names Lucy and Fran are both 4 letter names, but if you’re anything like me, the kind of person you imagine with said name is significantly different between the two.

So how does one pick a name? I feel like most people don’t actually put much thought into the name they have, they’re born with a name there parents picked, and that’s the end of it. But what about people like me, people who for one reason or another want/have to pick a new name. Then what do you pick? At that point, picking a name is almost like picking the initial feeling people get about you. A feeling that will happen often before you even meet someone for the first time.

There’s also how they feel to say, which is also opinion driven and varies significantly depending on the person. I find names like Penelope satisfying to pronounce because you don’t often hear them, or because there’s several different local ways that name is pronounced.

Generally I’d people should pick a name on how much you like the feeling it gives, but what about if you like more than one name? You’ll either have to settle on just one, use the others as middle name, which only really works for one of them, or use multiple names. All of which aren’t really elegant, but I personally do the last one as I’ve got several names people have known me by publicly or otherwise.

Pick and use the names you love, and change them as much as you want. It’s difficult to keep up with sometimes, but names are at least in my opinion, something dynamic. They grow with you, and you grow with them. So pick the one that feels right to you, and feel free to change it if it doesn’t feel right later.

~ Lucy

One response to “The meanings behind a name”

  1. Jonathan Avatar

    Your name is your identity. Many people accept the name they were given and the identity they create with it. Others change their name for a variety of reasons. If you chose your own name, it should reflect who you are and you make it into your own identity. Changing your name all the time or being fluid with names as you describe, would indicate you’re still searching for an identity you haven’t yet found.

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